Saturday 7 March 2009

Quote of the Week

Came across this quote the other day, which may have all sorts of implications as we seek to respond to what is happening in the world.

It is from Eugene Peterson, who translated 'The Message', and is from Where Your Treasure Is, p 12 – commenting on Psalm 2. He was writing in 1985 (this edition 1993):

“We don't need a new movement to save America. The old movement is holding its own and making its way very well. The idea that extraordinary times require extraordinary measures is false and destructive counsel. We don't need a new campaign, a new consciousness-raising, a new program, new legislation, new politics, or a new reformation. The people who meet in worship and offer themselves in acts of prayer are doing what needs to be done. They welcome others to join them. Their acts of prayer are not restricted to what they do on their knees or at worship. Even as the prayers move into society, they move us into society.”

This has something to do with valuing what there already is, seeing what really matters, and not responding in panic. Obviously the situation then was different to now - but the more I think on it, the more I wonder if he puts his finger on something for today. I'd be fascinated to know what others think.