In the Old Testament, poor kings secured their power by encouraging the worship of false Gods. Ahab as an example allowed Baal worship to replace the worship of the Living God throughout the land. It took Elijah to challenge it (when fire came down from heaven to set fire to the sacrifice that he had poured water over).
In the modern western world, the State demands our worship. More and more we have given it power. It demands that we go to war in its name, we pay our tithes to the tax man, it makes itself the centre of our existence. (I think of the national curriculum, the restrictions on local government, the undermining of family life).
Not that all state power is wrong. Far from it. But anything is wrong if it is replaces the Living God.
But we, as those who worship the Living God, who is Love, must give a lead. How do we do this?
1. We know about forgiveness. We know that it is all to easy for us to be caught up in the web of sin. For those politicians who show genuine repentance, there must be forgiveness. The anger must be against the wrong, not those who do wrong.
3. We know that we dare not point the finger. Who of us can be sure we would not fall into the same sin? ('There but for the grace of God go I'. Or as someone put it in the pub the other day "There are only three of them that are squeaky clean... Never mind, we would all milk it if we could.") We must lead the way in humility.
4. We worship a God who is full of justice AND mercy. The revelations have been appallingly indiscriminate. The media have so often been judge and jury. The good have I suspect been accused along with the bad. This is as appalling as the expenses scandal and questions should be asked in due course. We must not allow the sense of outrage to sweep away justice.
5. We must give a lead when it comes to the forthcoming elections
a) It is a Christian's duty to vote, to take part in the community. Especially it is so this time.
b) We should vote on the basis of seeking out those MPs who will represent us well. This means that we do not simply register a protest vote. The huge danger is that parties that peddle hate will benefit from the scandal. 'Out of the frying pan into the fire'. No, we must seek out those who will be good MPs, and we must vote for them, whoever they are.
We are citizens of a universal city. The world may have made exiles of us, but sometimes it is the exiles and refugees who can give the lead. What a wonderful lead Nelson Mandela gave in South Africa. We all have in small ways the opportunity to be Nelson Mandelas when we register our votes.