Monday 25 October 2010

History of the World

I am just catching up on this series, having now mastered podcasts for the ipod. About time too. It's great being able to listen to the radio again.
The History of the World in 100 Objects has as its earliest object a 2 million year old tool: a stone chopping tool from the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania - used for carving meat of bones and reaching the marrow within. Tools like this enabled humanity to develop in thinking by providing sustenance which enabled brains to develop.
The conclusion of the programme is that we are at heart a family who have grown up 'Out of Africa', from those who developed such tools. So that which divides is nothing as compared to that which unites. We spend much time creating division, whereas in reality humanity is a family.
Then I read these words, as I prepare for a sermon on John 1:
"The ultimate nature of the world was revealed to man in Christ as being, not a battlefield, but a home, and its final law as being, not the law of the jungle, but the law of the family".
- The Word and the Work, Studdert Kennedy.

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