Monday 10 December 2012

Waking up in Advent

What will heaven be like?

Actually, this is the wrong question. The Bible speaks of Jesus returning to this world and of there being a New Heaven and a New Earth.

Wer should ask: What will eternal life be like? For Jesus arose from the grave in this world. It is this world that God is making new.

The question is: what will this world be like after God has made all things new?

At the heart of the answer is Easter Day. We can think about what Jesus was like after he rose from the dead. He is the first fruit of eternity.

He was very much alive! No whispy clouds and angels playing harps. Rather, he enjoyed a bar-B-Q by the lakeside (John 21).

The Bible sometime speaks of being awake, waiting for Christ. Perhaps we could say that this world at best is like a dream. Sometimes a very pleasant dream, sometimes a nightmare. But one day we shall be fully awake, when Jesus returns and makes all things new. This world will seem like a dream. Then it will be solid, more real!

With no more pain, or suffering, or death.

What is your greatest dream for life? Eternal life, God's eternity will be even better than that!

Advent is when we wait, wait for Christ's coming. This Advent, let's through prayer and reading the scriptures, ask God to wake us up that bit more, so we are ready for Jesus' coming, when we wil be goggle-eyed awake!

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