Monday 13 October 2008

My Quote for the Day

The inherent hierarchy that is present within the current structures of most denominations, even those with congregational models, prevents us from allowing the freedom which our churches need to grow. Jesus’ model from Luke 10 shows an entirely different perspective. He is totally free to send his disciples out, knowing that they may make some mistakes and yet he is not anxious that their teaching and doctrine might not be….quite sound. This freedom seems to me to be a key mark of Christian leadership and, whilst recognising the validity of questions regarding where Scripture and teaching shape a church, I agree with Frost and Hirsch when they say that ‘learning takes place much more effectively when the Christian faith community is involved in active mission...' - Jody Stowell, who also quotes Frost M & Hirsch A, The Shaping of things to Come, page 27 @

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