Thursday, 20 October 2011

St Paul's Cathedral - see and hear this

I was really impressed by Giles Fraser of St Paul's the other evening on the news. It is bearing fruit - visit Pete Philips here for the art, and prophetic comment of the demonstrators.

The banner 'grow the real economy' is a heartening cry. Gathered around St Paul's, there is a poignancy to the protest. Eugene Peterson reminds us of the "Apocalyptic Pastor" ('The Gift')  In an earlier chapter he writes of what we all as Christians believe: "... I believe that the kingdoms of this world, American and Venezuelan and Chinese, will become the kingdom of our God and Christ, and I believe this new kingdom is already among us."

The demonstrators rightly remind us of the crisis this world is in. How apt that they are camped right next to St Paul's. And thank you St Paul's.

PS For more, visit Phil Ritchie here:
Phil's Treehouse: Segment of lost gospel scroll found: ‎'On reaching Ludgate Hill, Jesus entered the precincts of St. Paul's Cathedral and began driving out those who were speaking out against th...

Friday, 14 October 2011

Thank you to Phil Ritchie for this...

Click on the picture for Phil's comment

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Psalm 111 verse 1

Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I've got—
   Wherever good people gather, and in the congregation - The Message

A great verse, and a great verse for those of us preaching today.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Being Coached

Just back from an excellent 5 days at 'Renewing Vision' conference with other clergy at Glenfall House, Cheltenham. Amongst very good input was that by Claire Pedrick of 3D Coaching. We had all completed a survey (mine just in time), not knowing what it would reveal about ourselves - always a bit of a worry!

In the event it was extraordinary how helpful the insights were. There was a 50 minute coaching session together with other input. I found myself being mirrored to myself with extraordinary accuracy after only a few minutes' conversation. But that wasn't the point of it of course. The value was that I able to seek advice on the basis of the insights revealed

3D coaching use DISC as a tool - details here:
I won't try to explain though it is quite straightforward - the link should give what you need if you want to find out more.

Some years ago I discovered how important it is for me to give time for study, refection and planning during the week. I seek to give 2 sessions to this per week. It is a time of stepping back, catching vision hopefully prayerfully) and then doing diary work on the basis of this.

But I now realise how important both sides of the equation are. The 'Catching Vision' ('I' in the survey - but not the same as Myers-Briggs) side of me needs then to be able to translate that into planned action ('C'). Otherwise I simply become frustrated or overwhelmed by a sense of what needs to be done. I now understand why it is that is easy for things to hang over me. When catching vision, I need to be able to give it back to God through, in part, what I then do. I also need to be able to trust that my organisation is up to it and things do not get lost in the darkened places of my study or computer or business.

It is freeing to realise that the things that can be a burden reflect two aspects of who God has made me both struggling to be heard. I need to spend time with God on both. Rather than simply asking for God's peace (a prayer which was rarely fully answered) I now find that God has answered my prayer in a much more profound way. This will though mean me changing my pattern of life, with an understanding of what is needed.

To a significant extent I have known this all along. At one point I was told -'You know what you must do". Indeed, 'tis true. The advantage of 'time out' is that you can listen to the still small voice, and then hopefully act on it.

When I said 'yes, but', the response was - 'so you want to run on an empty tank'.

Starkly put, incredibly helpful, and proving to me how important it is that we all learn to mentor (disciple) one another. As Bill Hybels says somewhere (I think), he takes the important decisions of life within a few feet of someone else

Certainly so this week. May I know the grace of God to indeed Go in peace' and I put this into action in serving the Lord in his way, not mine.