Thursday 20 October 2011

St Paul's Cathedral - see and hear this

I was really impressed by Giles Fraser of St Paul's the other evening on the news. It is bearing fruit - visit Pete Philips here for the art, and prophetic comment of the demonstrators.

The banner 'grow the real economy' is a heartening cry. Gathered around St Paul's, there is a poignancy to the protest. Eugene Peterson reminds us of the "Apocalyptic Pastor" ('The Gift')  In an earlier chapter he writes of what we all as Christians believe: "... I believe that the kingdoms of this world, American and Venezuelan and Chinese, will become the kingdom of our God and Christ, and I believe this new kingdom is already among us."

The demonstrators rightly remind us of the crisis this world is in. How apt that they are camped right next to St Paul's. And thank you St Paul's.

PS For more, visit Phil Ritchie here:
Phil's Treehouse: Segment of lost gospel scroll found: ‎'On reaching Ludgate Hill, Jesus entered the precincts of St. Paul's Cathedral and began driving out those who were speaking out against th...

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