Friday 10 February 2012

Sabbatical - Day 26 Friday

Yesterday - our last full day in Chennai. Attended a wedding and had the privilege of leading prayers. The service was delayed due to the tragic murder of the cook and a new one had to be found quickly. That puts any difficulties in an English wedding service in perspective!

The family were not wealthy. I counted around 160 in church though there were others outside, not least preparing the food for the celebrations, held on the church site. There was one car to bring the bride and groom. I understand that this was much more of a 'normal' wedding for members of this particular church.

Below: Preparations get underway, rather later than hoped. (The sand and bricks are for a new parsonage being built next to the church.)

A Bible is signed for presentation to the couple...

The couple met for the first time around last Tuesday I think.

One lovely touch of an Indian wedding (or yesterday's anyway) is that the couple begin with garlands over their shoulders, opposite ways round, creating a heart image. Then after they are we'd they each give the other a more traditional garland, symbolising the completing of their love. The two garlands can been seen here in last week's wedding..

Last night we had a farewell meal at their home with Jayaseelan, Ramila, Jerin, Jefrin and Joshua. After two wonderful weeks it was very hard and sad to say goodbye, both to very special new friends and to India.

We are back home now, but I plan to continue to post reflections and photos of India for around a week, more intermittently after that. I need time to reflect and learn from the transforming days in India.

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