Friday 27 January 2012

Sabbatical Day 12

A lovely welcome at Chennai airport from Jayaseelan, his wife Ramilla (Jashua's sister) and other members of the Church of South India (CSI) that he pastors. In fact, I discover, he pastors 4 churches. Clergy stay in a given post for 5 years.

Happy hubbub from the roads (the day we arrive is Republic Day and the roads we understand are quieter). Motor bikes, cycles, autorickshaws, cars etc. compete for space on the road, weaving in and out, overtaking wherever there is a gap.

In the gardens of the YMCA a bright coloured bird flies off - the impression is as if a starling sized kingfisher. I wonder if it is from the starling family as I know the bright summer plumage of the starling betrays tropical roots. Bright green birds (if I were I England I would say parakeets, and perhaps they are) play in the trees.

On a later day I look both up online. Perhaps the former are Asian Glossy Starlings
And the latter are possibly the Rose-ringed Parakeet, though I need a closer look in both cases.

The weather is like a glorious hot summer day in England with a cool breeze. There is a test match (India v Australia) on the TV at the restaurant where we have breakfast.
A wonderful welcome - from the right:
Jerin, Jeyaseelan, Jefrin, Ramila and Martin
We talked about our itinerary for the coming days, including visiting some of the institutions run by the church; on Friday a confirmation service, with a busy day Sunday preaching at a rural church.

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