Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sabbatical Day 16 - Tuesday

Monday was mainly a rest day, but late afternoon there was a shopping trip, traveling for the first time by auto.

I am seeing the great work of the church in education and health especially, running many many schools and hospitals. Soup, Soap and Salvation ministry continues today.

On Sunday late afternoon, there was a visit to The Foster Memorial Hostel, a hostel or around 72 children in especial need eg orphans. The 5 staff provide daily assembles, oversee education at local schools and colleges, provide accommodation etc.

Here first hand, we see the impact of a gospel that has transformed a society and which is valued for this. In the west we have forgotten the impact of the gospel and give the credit to technology and science, forgetting that these arose from the impact of the gospel.

The assemblies at the hostel follow the lectionaries for the Diocese. Everyone follows it. The Bishop had spoken when we met of the need for strong leadership in India, a nation that is easily fragmented. This is perhaps an example.

Today I visited the CSI "Puthuir" Special School & Vocational Centre for Mentally Handicapped Children (designed for those between 2 and 18), a school for those with mental challenge. Puthuir means 'New Life').

After conversation with the Correspondent and Headmaster, I saw some of their exercise class and was treated to some dance. They sang a couple of Christian choruses with actions and I led in 'Jesus' love is very wonderful', with the actions. I found they knew it when they told me to jump at the relevant action!

After lunch I visited the children in their class rooms.

I note the strong lead by the Bishop in chairing committees and making appointments. And generally administration is pretty key. I note the importance of knowing where to go to raise funds etc. In the school , some comes from overseas charity, pupils can be 'sponsored', and there is funding from CSI. Donations by individual churches is important and generally there are close links between the arms of ministry and individual churches. Achieving anything needs lots of networking.

In conversation I hear about the Bible Women, encouraged by the Bishop' wife. They go door to door in evangelism amongst non-Christians, t god effect I understand.

The Board shows something of the structure:

There is much to learn from. I have visited a rural village church where most if not everyone probably has a self-sufficient lifestyle (rice grown locally, the chicken was killed especially for our lunch, etc.). In contrast we are staying in Chennai with the hustle and bustle of a modern city.

We are seeing the church being salt and light, not least as it gives hope to those outside the caste system. In Europe, society has forgotten what the gospel has done for society. Here it is recent history and continues to be a powerful force.

Everyday we are reminded of the great legacy left by the missionaries of the 19th and 20th centuries. We are reminded of their sacrifices and hear of the sacrifice that becoming a Christian can mean today (e.g.being cut off from family, finding it hard to get work).

God is at work in his world

A neighbour, the Indian Palm Squirrel. Note the stripes.

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