Sunday 25 November 2012

Prayer Spaces in Harlow

This evening at the Heart4Harlow prayer meeting we heard about Prayer Spaces. This is now underway in Primary Schools. The vision is for this to be in every Harlow school.
Prayer Spaces is open to all faiths and none.
Prayer Spaces begin by speaking to children (Key Stage 2) about prayer. Then half the children visit a prayer space, the others do craft related activities eg painting, drawing etc. on paper plates in a prayerful way.
In the Prayer Spaces are various stations eg Sorry, Fizzy Forgiveness, the Plasma Ball etc. The children are encouraged to make the best use of each space.
After 15/20" the children swap over.
Feedback has included:
"Prayer is a powerful thing, and it works"
"When I need help I only have to prayer"
So far, Prayer Spaces is underway in 2 schools. The aim is to be underway in 4 more school this coming year.
Please pray for more to be involved.

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