Saturday 23 January 2016

Sabbatical - Day 20 - Saturday: Kanchipuram and Mahabalipuram

First stop Kanchipuram where Newbigin ministered following his return to India after his accident. We enjoy the YWCA grounds while awaiting our lift. 
Kanchipuram is about 2 hours south of Chennai by car. After we leave Chennai the road is fairly clear. 

Jefrin, Selvam and Jayaseelan in the back

Kanchipuram is a district as well as a town  We visit several villages in the district. 

A strong Hindu area. It took 100 years to build a church here as a Hindu holy place - a Hindu teacher was born here. Rajiv Gandhi was murdered here in 1992. The church met in a school. But here the building is. 

110 families worship here at Bremathur There are 15 villages in the pastorate which Revd Samuel pastors. He visits 4 services per Sunday, the first at 5am. 
Solomon is Sexton here, with Revd Samuel. Solomon brought a nice cup of tea ! We pray together. 
The memorial to Rajiv Gandhi:
Underway again

Next stop is in outer Kanchipuram. The Pastor is Revd Francis. He meets us and leads the way ( in white).

Revd Francis looks after 32 churches, 2 pastorates. He ministers at. 4 per week. There are 1200 Hindu shrines in the area. 
First he welcomes us to a neighbouring church at Vedal
Rice brought as an offering then given to the poor:

Next stop via bike for Paul - not me !
Hindu Meditation Centre at the Ramakrisha Mission

Newbigin was invited (probably) here to read the Hindi scriptures and study with them as he learnt Tamil. He saw Jesus pictured as one of many gods and realised that despite all his training he had to find a new way to share Jesus, to let Jesus speak for himself. He shared with then from John's gospel. This was hugely important in his life. 
Kanchipuram railway station
There is a famous and very impressive Hindu temple. 
The Hindu scriptures say that the priest met with Vishnu here. 
A Christian Hospital was established here by the Church of Scotland

The original building
This building was dedicated by Lesslie Newbigin:

We visit the nearby CSI church
1500 worship here 

After an enjoyable lunch, we make our way to the Church of Good Shepherd, Thiruparathikundrum. 
Lesslie Newbigin is very fondly remembered here. He dedicated the building. We are given a very warm welcome.

They have begun building a new church , having grown out of the existing one. 9:30pm: back at YWCA just in time for supper. Sermon prep, then bed. Service at St Peter's is 9am tomorrow morning. Prayers valued!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really interesting Sunday read - enjoying the historical images:-)